Ok so I have a theory. I dont really think that Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or any of their ilk really believe half the stuff their saying. I think that they are just in it for the money and that they are doing the conservative movement a great injustice by only appealing to the extreme "chicken little" portion of the right. They would be better served (granted not as big of ratings) if they just appeal to the middle. By putting out these wild conspiracy theories and a lot of the time just straight up making up shit, they are muding the waters of the national conversation and not contributing to the discourse that this country needs. I mean they are how we wound up with Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers to begin with, and if thats not enough to alarm you I dont know what is.
This one's really hard to call. I know they like money, but I also grew up with people who are seriously scared that the government is up to something. And when you have a guy telling them that the President bailed out GM so he could follow you around via Onstar they may not realize that he's a fat mormon fuckface who's full of fat mormon fuckface shit. I'm interested in the biography about Beck out right now. It seems the guy paints a picture of a failed shock-jock who was going to lose his job before he decided to scare old people into buying gold before the communists take over and gay rape all the children and then make them have abortions.