With the primaries over, I thought id take a look at the winners endorsed by Mrs. Palin and see what they have in common. Besides for the obvious: Tea Party ties, small government, rabid Christian Evangelical beliefs, etc. Ive noticed something else and im kind of puzzled. Why are so many of them really good looking? Is this a secret ploy to sneak in rabid right-wing neo-con ideas packaged in a pretty box, or are there just this many good looking republican women? I want to think the latter but I am afraid of the former.
I mean Ms. O'Donnell from Delaware has been an outspoken opponent of masturbation, I cant think of a more conservative line than that. What are they trying to pull on us? I mean when I think of a smart woman I think of people like Madeline Albright or Elizabeth Warren, handsome women no doubt, but not ones that catch your eye right away like the former Ms. Wasilla.
I guess my point here is to warn people that they should not get sucked in by the pretty packaging and look at the substance of their character. If you truely agree with the stuff coming out of their mouths and not focused on what they look like in a bikini then by all means vote for them. But I cant believe that the majority of Americans actually believe that stuff.
**UPDATE** I just googled Sarah Palin for a pic for this article and a good 20% of the pictures were of her in a bikini or photoshopped pics of her with bigger boobs...so way to go America.