Thursday, June 24, 2010

The BP incident

Coming up in Houston "the energy capital" a block away from BP. I feel I need to comment on the current crisis in the Gulf. My life would not have been possible without the oil industry and for that I owe them a huge debt of gratitude. However it was my own Grandpa who was an oil man for 40 something years and owned his own land man business who first told me that oil was a finite resource and that we need to be on the lookout for a replacement. This was 20 years ago! But I dont want to get into that right here....

I want to focus on the handling of this situation, which I personally think is disgusting. I place the blame 90% BP and 10% Obama. The reason I dont blame Obama more is because if he were to have come in on day one and taken the show over, the right in this country would have lost its mind and taken pitchforks and torches to the White House. I also think that BP is still trying to make a profit off this well. To all accounts there is more than enough oil in this well to not only pay for the whole spill but still potentially make billions in profits after. So financially it makes sense.

The problem lies in that in salvaging the well instead of rendering it unusable and shut off, thousand of barrels leak out and destroy our coastline every day. I love the environment, I strive to be as low impact as possible but I also live in the real world and understand that we are a fossil fuel based economy for better or worse. But there is a certain point in which I believe for the good of the planet BP needs to seal this thing off at all costs. The major problem on Obama's desk is how to hold a foreign company's feet to the fire. I agree with the moratorium in spirit, those other rigs need to be checked and the oil company's must realize that all those years of no regulation are coming to an end,just like the airlines. I just think the implementation could be better.

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